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Holistic magnetic Therapy

What Are The Benefits of Treatment

Magnetic therapy is an alternative form of healing Magnets can relieve pain and discomfort, reduce inflammation and stress and improve circulation. Permanent magnets are placed close to the body in order to cause bones to heal faster, relieve pain and induce other therapeutic effects.

The Neo magnet is probably the king of magnets, this has three metals: boron, ferrite and neodymium, ions like calcium and potassium help your cells send signals around your body.

Your body naturally has magnetic and electric fields. All your molecules have a small amount of magnetic energy in them. The thought behind magnetic field therapy is that certain problems happen

because your magnetic fields are out of balance If you put a magnetic field near your body it’s believed things will go back to normal.

A magnet holds its field for 15 years there are flexible magnets which are normally 2,750 to 3000 Gauss.

To discuss and find the right magnet for your body, please click on the “count me in” button and book an appointment with me and we can converse and find the right magnet for you. 


the coasters on the North side is calming and relaxing, the south is for stimulation and energy


Magnetic bracelets are believed to reduce pain and enhance blood flow they create an electromagnetic field. The idea is that magnets placed against the skin influence the circulation of iron in the blood, which helps deliver nutrients to the joints

Body Magnets

Circulation is enhanced since biomagnets are attracted to the iron in blood and this can increase in blood flow helps healing. There are two kinds of magnets permanent and pulsating. (Don't use magnets as a replacement for proper medical attention)

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